понедељак, 17. фебруар 2014.

Blast Drive Garuburn

Blast Arm is a Version-Up Part introduced in the B-Daman Fireblast toyline.


Just as the Cannon Arm increases Drive=Garuburn's firing strength, the Blast Arm is designed to enhance the B-Daman's Rapid Fire capabilities, while giving Garuburn "Blast Mail" armor pieces to give it a knight-like appearance. In addition, it has two, trigger-like Emblem Parts. When an Emblem Charge is performed with the Blast Arm, a pair of wings swivel forward, causing a change to Power Mode as the Rapid Fire shots become more powerful. NOTE: The Blast Arm can be used on any Emblem Charge System B-Daman, but the Blast Mail pieces can only be used on Garuburn's Body Set.

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